Diagnosis Day is a one-day experience on the St. Charles, Bend campus. This program is for high school students from rural Central Oregon with an interest in health care careers. Student participants will follow a scenario “patient” from a trauma accident throughout the entire hospital experience. Along the way, students will be exposed to many of the various health care careers that impact that patient, as well as interact with an advanced simulation manikin.

The scenario for the “patient” presents an incident with which the students can identify. The current scenario involves traumatic injuries received in a bike accident where a helmet was not worn and traumatic injuries from a car accident caused by distracted driving.

Diagnosis Day Planning

  • Diagnosis Day typically runs from 9:00am-2:30pm on the St. Charles Bend campus

  • We need a minimum of 10 students attending to run the program, with a maximum of 18 students

  • We supply a catered lunch and can reimburse schools for the cost of transportation

  • We are required to have a liability contract signed by your school’s superintendent in place, prior to attending.

  • Each student needs a signed waiver form and online registration complete one week prior to attending

To register for Diagnosis Day, follow these steps:

STEP ONEDATE SELECTION: All of our dates for the 2024-2025 school year have been reserved at this time.

STEP TWODIAGNOSIS DAY WAIVER FORM: Once a date is confirmed, each student needs to print off and complete the Diagnosis Day Waiver from linked below (note: this requires a parent signature).

STEP THREE— REGISTRATION: Each student needs to complete the online registration by clicking the link below. To submit the registration form, students must upload a photo of their signed Diagnosis Day Waiver from step two. This must be completed at least ONE WEEK prior to your Diagnosis Day date.

STEP FOUR— REVIEW SCENARIO: Each student should read the trauma scenario and answer the introductory questions prior to attending the program.

Diagnosis Day Evaluation: Please complete this evaluation after attending the program